Sports Coaching Education

Coaching Education Department

Prof. N. Güven ERDİL
Tel: 0216 308 56 61 / 1210 

Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı Başkanı

Tel: 0216 308 56 61 / 1258

Spor Sağlık Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı Başkanı

Prof. H. Birol ÇOTUK
Tel: 0216 308 56 61 / 1194

General Information

   A very distinguished member of the academic staff of Coaching Education Department in Turkey and abroad to take part in prestigious universities and sports federations, as well as president of the federation, the technical education board carry out the duties of the presidency and the national team coaching.

   With the ERASMUS International Exchange Program for our students, exchange opportunities are available with many universities in Europe such as Cologne Sports University, Estonia Tartu University and Sofia Sports Academy. With the collaborations with different institutions from Europe and the world, graduate and doctoral students are offered the opportunity to work abroad.

   20 The highest level of academic education in sports and the chance to win the title of Coach ...

   Sports branches in which we train coaching:

   Athletics, badminton, basketball, artistic gymnastics, football, wrestling, golf, judo, handball, canoe, karate-do, rowing, table tennis, rhythmic gymnastics, water polo, taekwondo, tennis, volleyball, swimming and underwater-life rescue.

  •  Academic staff with strong international experience
  •  Student oriented education
  •  Curriculum compatible with the European Union
  •  Practice-Theory transfer
  •  Study abroad with Erasmus  
  •  Double major and minor programs


  • The most important feature of our school is to conduct research through science in the fields of sports, exercise, education and health through basic and applied research,
  • To train instructors with the necessary knowledge, behavior and equipment to provide quality education to our students,
  • Providing useful services to society, professional groups, university,
  • 20 existing coaching branches (Basketball, Football, Artistic Gymnastics, Athletics, Badminton, Golf, Wrestling, Handball, Judo, Canoe, Karate-do, Rowing, Table tennis, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Underwater Life Saving, Taekwon-do, Tennis, Volleyball, Swimming) and promoting and developing other sports branches in elective courses in our university, region, country and internationally,
  • To provide education and training services at European Union standards with the collaborations made and to be done with international universities,
  • To contribute to Sports Sciences in fields related to Coaching with activities and studies such as articles, research, courses and seminars made and to be done. 


  • Due to the number of faculty members and the facilities owned, our college aims to raise individuals who can research, question, analyze, produce and lead.
  • Improving the quality of life and leadership of our society by conducting continuous research in sports-related fields is another goal.
  • In order to search and do the best in education, continuous programs are developed in the fields of exercise and sports, and projects are produced.
  • To our graduates by our college, the specialty chosen from 20 branches and 6,7,8. An authorized letter is given for the Elective Courses (Performance, Disabled, Health and Recreation Module) taken in the semester. Our graduate students receive the Coaching documents from the Federation they are affiliated with (this is a 3rd level coaching).  
  • If students can choose, they can also get a 2nd Major diploma from the Department of Sports Management from the 3rd grade.

The opportunity to socialize with various clubs opened with the voluntary participation of our academic staff and students.

This page updated by Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi on 27.02.2025 11:24:28